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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My MP, Carolyn Bennett, says Canada's new Immigration Guide "insults and marginalizes the history and culture of indigenous people" in Canada

Dr Bennett references page 21 of Canada's new Immigration Guide to illustrate her point, such as it is.

On that page, the guide devotes a paragraph to aboriginal peoples. Evidently, Dr. Bennett is bothered by the description of them having "interesting cultures and make important
contributions to Canadian society."

I asked via twitter how this is "insulting" but have not received a response. I suspect this is sheer partisanship of the sort typical of the Liberal Party, but if she has a more cogent response I will be pleased to hear it.

The English, whose legislative and economic system is the main foundation for Canada, received only slightly more ink in the guide and the other founding nation, the French, received even less.

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